Day 15

Lift Chi Up, long lunch with lovely friends Conrad Ryan and Phyll Buchanan, sorted out some stuff at Elliotts Row ready for new tenants to move in on Tuesday.

Dropped keys off at estate agent, which happens to be right by Borough Market, so had to pop in to buy treats for Nick and Katie (they are both fudge fiends) and got some Turkish delight for me (expensive but the real deal)

Day 14

Lift Chi Up, GP appointment, Inner Smile, sorting out details for the new tenancy at Elliotts Row.

Sports Day – Katie and her friend Agnes were the only two who didn’t drop their eggs in the egg and spoon race! Passionfruit sorbet (me) and white chocolate ice cream (Katie) at Black Vanilla on the way home. A minor crisis after dinner when Katie accidentally hurled Jake (the baby doll she has been carrying around tenderly ‘breastfeeding’ for the last 10 days) off the trampoline and into the wild part of the garden under the apple trees. She sensibly put wellies on to protect her ankles from lurking blackberry and stinging nettles and was forging into the undergrowth to rescue the unfortunate doll, when Sherlock shot past her like a small furry brown rocket and emerged moments later with the doll held gently in his little jaws. Now at that point the forces of good and evil appeared to be at war within that little brown body – he paused as if about to deliver the doll to the tearful child … then thought better of it and raced off down the garden tossing Jake as if he were prey that needed to be shaken into submission. Wails of outrage from Katie only seemed to spur him on and no amount of calling, or distraction with balls etc could tempt him to relinquish his prize. Finally I told Katie to go indoors and ostentatiously shook Sherlock’s dinner into his bowl. That did the trick and Katie nipped out of the house and grabbed the abandoned doll before Sherlock could change his mind. She then wanted to bath Jake, but since he has electrical bits I wasn’t convinced that was a good idea, so he had to make do with a sponge down with dampened kitchen towel. I don’t think he’ll ever be the same again but, on the plus side, that probably just makes him more realistic – in my experience real babies are generally a bit mucky!

I finally got a bounce on the new trampoline which was great fun though curtailed by rain – not complaining – the garden needs it.

Day 13

Lift Chi Up, followed by more urgent admin.

Went downstairs at lunchtime to discover Sherlock hadn’t eaten his breakfast and was definitely not his usual lively self. Urgent trip to the vet revealed that he has panosteitis. Not as bad as it sounds – a canine version of growing pains. £89 later, Sherlock, after a shot of onsior (a doggy NSAID) bounded homewards at full speed and scarfed down his leftover breakfast in short order. Got a few more bits and pieces done, then Katie and I walked to the village to return the 15-shaped cake tins and had coffee/milk at our favourite cafe. A couple of hours gardening then helped Nick put the new trampoline together. It was hardly assembled before Kate and Dash were on it, bouncing enthusiastically while Nick attached the safety enclosure. It’s hard to believe that less than two years ago we were still apartment-bound, gazing out on the neighbour’s roof terrace with covetous eyes – and here we are, living in this beautiful place, with so much SPACE. Feeling very lucky.

Scored £15 tickets to Great Britain at the National, starring Billie Piper. I was surprised to get an email today, offering the opportunity to buy before the general public, when the play opens on Monday – normally these offers are months in advance. But it turns out that it has been developed and rehearsed in secret as it couldn’t be publicised until the phone-hacking case was concluded. But Billie Piper definitely isn’t playing Rebekah Brooks, oh no she isn’t …

The 15-shaped cake, waiting to be iced.
The 15-shaped cake, waiting to be iced.
The 15-shaped cake.
The 15-shaped cake.
Rhodohypoxis in the front border.
Rhodohypoxis in the front border.
The roses are looking good.
The roses are looking good.


Day 12

A day which started at 5:20 a.m. (Jack was very excited about his birthday) and stayed just this side of totally frantic. Lift Chi Up, some urgent admin, downstairs to make the fifteen-shaped cake, got it in the oven just in time for it to be cooked before I had to leave for printmaking – except it is a different oven and I’ve never made it in 15-shaped tins before. A tense ten minutes when it ought to have been cooked but the skewer kept coming out dirty – then suddenly it was done with just enough time to walk very briskly to printmaking. Lino-cutting turned out to be easier and more fun than I expected and my design (of five strawberries) worked quite well. Sadly next week is the last class – it has been fun to do something completely different.

Straight from printmaking to M&S to pick up some special cakes that Jack had requested for his party, then home to discover a parcel had arrived which turned out to contain the rhodohypoxis I ordered a couple of days ago. Plants in good condition – not always the case with mail order – so I will make sure I get them planted tomorrow. I will definitely use these guys again – they have interesting plants and deliver them quickly and in good condition.

Day 11

Sports day was postponed (what did I say about the organisational abilities of Katie’s teachers?) and is now re-scheduled for Thursday, by which time it will probably be raining. Took advantage of having my afternoon back to get lots of jobs done – last minute shopping and present wrapping for Jack’s birthday tomorrow, buying nice paper for my print-making workshop, collecting the moulds for the 15-shaped cake and having my toenails painted sky blue. Didn’t do any eye exercises (sfx guilty expression), but have good intentions for tomorrow.

Day 10

Second day of vision training with Leo Angart. Way too hot to be stuck in an overcrowded training room but … Nick already needs to pick up some lower strength glasses and is confident of being able to do without completely within a couple of weeks. Noticeable improvement in my ability to read the computer menus from across the room and astigmatism completely gone after several repeats of the Tibetan Wheel exercise. Quite a knackering weekend though. I’m pleased I don’t have to work tomorrow – just attend Katie’s sports day (usually a shambles – Katie’s teachers not being known for their ability to organise their way out of a wet paper bag), wrap a big pile of presents, and make a 15-shaped cake for Jack’s birthday on Tuesday!

Day 8

Started getting to grips with IQTell, took Katie to piano and walked Sherlock on the heath. Some watering and dead-heading in the evening. Bought Tracey Thorne’s Tinsel & Lights. Ordered a trampoline for the children. Looking forward to vision training with Leo Angart tomorrow!

The hybrid teas we planted at the end of winter are doing well.The hybrid teas are doing well

Day 7

Admin, doctor’s appointment, Selfridges, dinner at the Savoy, bargain tickets to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (with Robert Lindsay).

Decided to get a taxi from Selfridges to the Savoy as the traffic was really heavy and I didn’t think the bus would make it in time. The taxi driver asked if I’d had a good day and I thought about it for a moment and said ‘Well, in my book, any day that ends with me jumping in a cab and saying “Take me to the Savoy” is a pretty good one. This seemed to put him in a good mood and, in the end, he got me there so quickly I had time to pop into the Savoy Theatre and score tickets in the 5th row of the stalls for 1/4 of the normal price. Sadly my inadequate (non-existent) research had failed to reveal that this production of Scoundrels is a musical! It wasn’t terrible and Robert Lindsay is always worth watching but I’m pleased I didn’t pay full price.

Day 6

Admin, gardening, playing with the dog, laundry, fruit loaf.

I put Sherlock’s profile on a canine dating site called Borrow My Doggy, which matches people with dogs with people who would like to have a dog in their life but can’t own one for some reason (no garden, landlord won’t allow pets etc) and he has already been favourited by several prospective dog borrowers. Very exciting.

I’m normally a bit unresponsive if the children come downstairs wanting attention after we’ve been through the agreed bedtime routine, but I took pity on Katie this evening as I had to admit that the smell of the fruit loaf baking was really mouth-watering. She came down just as it was getting cool enough to cut, scarfed down a couple of still-warm slices thickly buttered and toddled off back to bed as happy as a clam. My sisters will no doubt remember the smell of Mum’s fruit loaf cooking and agree that refusing Katie a slice would have amounted to cruel and unusual punishment!