Level 2 Chi Kung Body and Mind Process. Microcosmic orbit.
My turn on morning duty, while Nick was out on a long bike ride. Porridge for Katie, crumpets for Dash, huge pile of toast and marmite for Jack. To my relief, no one asked for gingerbread pancakes – I am so bored with that recipe. Did some origami with Katie – it’s ages since we have done this and it was really fun.
After Nick got back from his ride, I helped him with the long-delayed reorganisation of the garage (which should really be called ‘the shed’, since we have neither a car nor any intention of getting one). Over the past two years ‘the shed’ has been gradually filling up with crates of Nick’s tools, dead appliances, and large piles of cardboard waiting to be either put out with the recycling or recycled more directly via the compost heap. Nick bought some shelving a few months ago but a major clear out was required in order to create room for it to be put up.
Feeling very smug and virtuous about having persuaded the children to do all their homework on Friday evening thereby avoiding any mad panic tonight.