Level 2 Chi Kung. Christmas Day!
Unfortunately it was 1:30 before all three excited children were sufficiently sound asleep for us to fill the stockings, eat the mince pies, drink the madeira and disarrange the reindeer’s carrots (bite marks etc). So we were still pretty sleepy when Katie came bashing on the door just after 7 this morning…
The good news is that the missing present has turned up. The bad news is that Santa has left Katie a lovely expensive man’s wallet in soft grey leather. No doubt I will eventually find a small, square (wallet-shaped!) package of glow-in-the-dark modelling clay addressed to Nick! Oh the perils of wrapping gifts when half asleep.
As soon as I had admired the children’s Santa presents, I realised that I could no longer stand the state of the dog (smelly) and decided that he needed a Christmas morning bath. This may sound like cruel and unusual punishment (from the dog’s POV if not from mine) except that Sherlock enjoys baths – which makes it easier for both of us
Once Sherlock was bathed and everyone was dressed, we lead the children out into the back garden for the big reveal: that the log cabin we have been referring to as ‘Daddy’s new shed’ since it was erected last Friday is, in fact, a playhouse for the children.
After presents, Katie and I took Sherlock up to the heath for a walk, then home to a lovely Christmas lunch. Very relaxing for me as, for the first time in our 27 years together, Nick did the cooking. And, best of all, by my reckoning it is going to be another 26 years before it is my turn again!