Level 2 Chi Kung.
Katie didn’t feel up to going to Stagecoach, so a cruisy Saturday morning with only Dash’s guitar lesson to get to. After guitar, I was about to take Dash for his customary jam-sandwich-with-the-crusts-cut-off lunch at the Age Exchange, when I noticed that it was actually SUNNY! I persuaded Dash to forgo lunch and we headed home at speed to take the Christmas photo while the light lasted. Everyone pitched in and very soon the tripod was set up and everyone was washed and brushed and dressed in their new Christmas jumpers. We left Sherlock’s jumper until last, on the grounds that he might be a bit resistant to the idea, but in fact he seemed very pleased to finally be treated the same as the other children. He watched them all getting into their jumpers and clearly felt it completely natural that he should have one too. He then hopped up on the seat, placed one paw affectionately on Katie’s leg and posed beautifully for the duration of the shoot!