Level 2 Chi Kung.
A normal Saturday, with Stagecoach and guitar. On the way home after Stagecoach, Katie and I were discussing the fact that it is now less than a year until I have to go back to work. She has previously suggested (several times!) that I should become a childminder, like Clara’s mum. but she has gone off that idea after returning from a play date at Clara’s a couple of weeks ago saying “that house just has TOO MANY BABIES’. This time she suggested that I should write children’s books. I said that that would be lovely except I have no ideas at all for children’s books. She replied that that wouldn’t be a problem, as she had plenty! Later that afternoon, I found her in the living room:
J: I’m ready.
K: [puzzled] Read for what?
J: Ready to start writing our book.
K: [running upstairs] Yippeeeeeee!
My expectation was that Katie would supply a general plot idea and I would do the actual writing but, in the end, my role was merely to type as Katie dictated. We got the first page of Jill and the Giant Sandcastle done before Katie decided she needed a rest-break. I was about to post it – but I realised I should probably get the author’s permission.