Level 2 Chi Kung.
A cruisy relaxed morning with no Stagecoach – makes me wish I could persuade Katie to move to the afternoon class and then every Saturday could be like this. Dash worked really hard at guitar. Mr Baulch told us a funny story about the lady who taught him to play. Apparently she used to hold up an old photograph of a primary school class all sitting cross-legged on the mat and ask her students to say which child was her. They never could, so she would eventually point to her younger self and then say, ‘But what about that little boy beside me, do you recognise him? You know him. You’ve definitely heard of him.’ Finally, after making her hapless students guess for several minutes, she would beam ‘That’s Adolf Hitler’. She apparently had a rather strict, draconian teaching style, or as Mr Baulch and his fellow students inevitably put it, ‘She went to the same school as Hitler – and it shows’!
In the afternoon I got two small but satisfying jobs done. First up, prompted by the arrival of the new snowflake cookie cutters, I cleared out THAT DRAWER in the kitchen – every kitchen has one – where all the annoying bits of kit that don’t have any other home go to die. It had become over-run with cookie cutters (mostly Katie’s) so I was able to significantly reduce the congestion by choosing a large biscuit tin, and tossing all the cookie cutters into it. Next I wiped out the freezer. About 18 months ago, our freezer stopped working. As this was around the same time that the neighbours had given us their spare chest freezer, we simply transferred the food to the chest freezer and didn’t think much more about it. After about 6 months, we moved the non-working freezer out to the garage. A couple of weeks ago, I suggested that we should either get the freezer repaired or get rid of it. In order to be able to describe it’s symptoms to a repairman, we plugged it in out in the garage to see if it would get cold at all. Well it zipped straight down to minus 10 (the lowest temperature our oven thermometer goes down to) and, tested on a few ice-creams, seemed to keep them nice and hard. So we unplugged it again, moved it back inside and, it being much easier to clean a freezer when it isn’t working, I gave it a thorough clean with baking soda. We were almost certain that it wouldn’t work when we turned it on again, but no, it zipped straight down to minus 10 again. So now we have a working freezer in the kitchen again, and won’t have to traipse out to the garage in the rain all winter.