Level 2 Chi Kung. Microcosmic orbit. Jade egg practice.
After a full-on day yesterday, we were aiming for a cruisy day today with Nick and I (separately) taking longish naps, while the children remained worrying lively throughout. The sticky heat of high humidity is not as appealing to me as the dry heat of Crete but Maiori is lovely, the sea is warm and our apartment is very clean and reasonably well equipped.
After essential shopping (milk, butter, juice etc) Nick took the children to the hotel pool in the middle of the day while I had a nap and, in the late afternoon, I took them to the beach while he had a nap. At the risk of sounding likeĀ Richard Bolstad, who appeared to be pleasantly surprised that it was easy to obtain decent espresso in ROME :-), I can report that, on the way back from the beach, the children and I ate the kind of gelato of which dreams are made!