Level 2 Chi Kung.
Katie’s last day of Stagecoach, then straight on to the Christmas fair at Katie’s school. Unlike her friends Katie has little interest in buying things at the fair – other than perhaps a cup-cake or a gingerbread Christmas tree – it is the craft activities she is into. Today she made a felt mouse with a candy cane tail for hanging on the Christmas tree and various other cards and decorations. We eventually found Arina and her mum at the mulled wine stall and Lena persuaded me that we’d better have one, you know, purely to raise money for the school!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Nick had taken the boys and Sherlock to choose a Christmas tree. We all arrived back home just before 4pm – just in time to meet a prospective new borrower for Sherlock. We instantly liked her and it turns out that she literally lives just a few houses down our street (at number 32). She took Sherlock up to the heath for a ‘getting-to-know-you’ walk. So, after a five mile walk with Tudor yesterday, he has now had three decent walks today – but he still seems to be literally bounding with energy.
Spent the evening organising a very long list of clothing and equipment ready for Dash to go on a school camp tomorrow.