Level 2 Chi Kung. Microcosmic orbit.
Now fully back into term time, with the start of Saturday Stagecoach and guitar lessons. Everything went smoothly and, when I returned with Kate and Dash about 1330 in the afternoon, it was to discover Nick vigorously attacking the scrubby mess under the trees on the righthand side of the front garden. There is an old, and picturesquely tortured-looking, prunus at one end. We will keep the prunus of course, but the rest of the bed is a mess of self-seeded holly, ivy creeping over from next door and generally uninspiring dross. There is a rowan, which will stay, but I might grow a clematis or something up it’s trunk. Six months ago I ordered a kowhai and two kakabeaks (one white and one red) to go in this bed, thinking that I would give them an easy start by planting them in spring. But because they were part of the same order as the feijoa trees, they didn’t finally arrive until shortly before we went to Italy. We managed to get the feijoas in the ground but the rest had to stay in pots while we were away. Unfortunately it seems the snails have had a good go at the poor kakabeaks and they are looking very sad. I will have to take up my old passtime of going out snail-hunting in the evening, equipped with a torch and a half-brick.
On the way to Stagecoach in the morning, I reminded Katie that she won’t be going to school on Monday as it is an inset day.
K: An INSECT day?
me: No an inSET day? What do you think the teachers do on inset days when the children aren’t there? Do you think they return to their true insect form (sfx feelers waving and legs clacking)?
K: NO! They plan our lessons for the term and just rest without the children there. And go out for lunch and dinner.
me: Oh, is that all? Do you think they kiss and cuddle?
K: NO! Of course not. Except Mr X kisses his wife. [Mr X is the head teacher]
me: Who is Mr X’s wife?
K: Mrs Y [Mrs Y is the deputy head].
I would be extremely surprised if romance was indeed blossoming between Mr X and Mrs Y (not least because I have always assumed that Mr X plays for the other team) but I guess you never know!
Top ten plays – number three is The History Boys, with Richard Griffiths as the teacher and James Corden as one of the boys. Seen in London on April 10th, 2007 and Nick denies all knowledge of it so I suspect I saw it with Barbara Edmonds to celebrate our birthdays?