Day 82

Level 2 Chi Kung (still mystified by the tightness in left thigh). Microcosmic orbit.

A beautiful day today – somehow now that it is officially autumn, every hour of sun seems extra precious – so, after dropping Dash at school and doing Chi Kung, I was eager to get out into the garden. However a plumber arrived to quote for repairing the upstairs loo and, having made the mistake of offering him coffee, I thought he was never going to leave. By the time he finallydeparted, I had just enough time for Katie and I to tie in the climbing roses (which have been growing like triffids in the warm, wet weather over the last few weeks) before we had to head off to collect Dash again. After we got back with Dash, I fed everyone, then Kate and I went out again and weeded the feijoa bed.

Dashi’s first day of secondary school went well. He said it was interesting and he made lots of friends – his only disappointment was that lunch did not include chips! It did however feature strawberry ice cream, which Dash won’t usually eat. School strawberry ice cream is obviously different though, as he appears to have yummed it down. Let’s hope that school spinach is equally miraculous.

Kate and Jack go back to school tomorrow and I find myself both sad and excited. Sad because our lovely summer together is over but picking up on Dash’s excitement about secondary school and Katie’s about starting key stage 2. It’s funny, I always expected to end up home-schooling my kids – a task for which I am manifestly unsuited on account of utterly lacking the requisite saintly patience. I expected to do this not through choice, but because, having been utterly miserable at school myself, I would never have been able to make them go if they had expressed even mild upset at the prospect. So it is a constant surprise to me how much they love it. Jack’s school and Dash’s primary school are pretty fab, and I could completely understand why Katie loved her Montessori when we lived in Bayswater, but I am more puzzled by her delight in her current school. Although it is one of the top state primaries in the country, having met Katie’s teacher, it is hard to imagine it actually being fun.

On Sunday I was scrubbing down a chopping board when Katie initiated this conversation.

K: “That’s my board. That’s my board. That’s my board”
J: “Well, it’s a board you helped me choose.”
K: (increasingly agitated) “It’s my board. It’s my board.”
J: (mystified and a bit exasperated) “Well, when you grow up and leave home, you can take it with you to your new house.”
K: “Ok. I’ll have that board and you can have all the other boards.”
J: “Thank you”.
K: (scanning the kitchen and looking thoughtful) “Though I’m going to need at least one of those small ones.”

Why do I feel as if my 7 year old daughter is negotiating a pre-nup ahead of our eventual divorce?

Day 81

Level 2 Chi Kung (strange cramping tightness in left thigh, otherwise good). Microcosmic orbit.

As today was the last proper day of the school holidays (Jack and Katie don’t start back until Wednesday but Dash starts tomorrow) I thought it merited special occasion treatment, so I made gingerbread pancakes with maple syrup for the children’s breakfast. Ever since she overheard Denise Ball and I discussing shamanic journeying, Katie has been desperate to meet her spirit animal. After breakfast had been made, consumed and cleared away, I thought ‘why not?’, so I looked up the instructions in the Integration course manual and found some appropriate drumming on-line. I put my Alexander-technique mat down on the floor and talked Katie through the instructions and the importance of coming back when called. She lay down and immediately sat up again, complaining that the room was too bright, so I gave her an old t-shirt to put over her eyes and we got started. Frankly, I wasn’t really expecting her to be able to stay still long enough to have any kind of experience. So I was surprised when she lay, quite still apart from slight puppy-sleep-chasing-rabbits twitching, for the duration of the drumming. When she came back, she was breathing hard and I asked her why she was panting. She said, matter of factly, that there had been a lot of running. When she had got her breath back enough to talk, she told me that she had met a lemur, which then lead her through the forest (the aforementioned running) until they came to a brown bear. She hadn’t really thought about a question to ask her spirit animal so she just asked “Will I see you again?” and got the answer “Yes”. She was eager to tell Dash about her experience but he was initially a bit dubious, given that she regularly concocts outrageous stories to wind him up! Later though she came back and told me that he said he doesn’t need to do the journey, as he already knows that his spirit animal is a lion, and he goes to “that place” all the time. Given Dashi’s relationship to lions in this world, I guess I’m not that surprised.